Animation: Demon Slayer: Kanao Tsuyuri (Glow) (Barnes & Noble Exclusive)
Animation: Demon Slayer: Kanao Tsuyuri (Glow) (Barnes & Noble Exclusive)
This item is a pre-order item which means it hasn’t been released yet. The picture is not confirmed and subject to change! Please note this before pre ordering! If you choose to pre order and things change you will be notified Via text or email. When the item is released, we will try our best to import a large quantity of these items; however, in the unlikely event that we are unable to import enough items to fulfill all our pre-orders, pre-orders will be fulfilled in the order which they were received and all remaining orders will be refunded.
Please note that all pre-order items have a future release date and occasionally, the release date is not announced, so we may not always have an accurate estimate of when the item will be available.
Please note that all pre-order items have a future release date and occasionally, the release date is not announced, so we may not always have an accurate estimate of when the item will be available.
Regular price
$50.00 CAD
Regular price
Sale price
$50.00 CAD
Unit price